Phase One - Last Week: 7/21/08 - A bit of rock and new requirements for our electrical transformer have slowed things down a bit, but our buddies Bob & Brian hope to be done in a day or so. The ditch for our underground electric is 4 feet deep and 750 feet long. Over 1,000 feet of telephone wire was delivered last week by AT&T, one of the few items we didn't have to pay for! Lee Pettis of Duck River Electric has been wonderful to us. He came out 3-4 times before we started construction to help us stake our underground electric, then has been back several times since to help subs with the trench and transformer requirements. Gib, our block man, was injured on another job last week, but promises to show up tomorrow AM. He will finish the house foundation then the fireplace foundation. It was kind of cool to see our septic tank installed today - looks sort of like a concrete casket. It is called a "lowboy" as it sits higher up in the ground than a regular tank (go figure). That makes about as much sense as PVC pipe having male and female parts on their ends. One part, the receiver, is the female part. The male part screws in to the female part. Do you know how embarrassing it was for me to go to Builder's Supply & tell the parts guy that I needed male and female parts for my pipes? (S) How much do you want to bet that a man came up with that one! P.S. IT IS NOW FRIDAY & WE ARE NOW BEHIND 3 DAYS BECAUSE OF RAIN AND SUBS NOT SHOWING UP. I AM LEARNING TO GO WITH THE FLOW. ENJOY THE PIC I JUST ADDED OF MY HUSBAND (IN THE PINK) HARD AT WORK WITH OUR FOUNDATION SUBS.
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